
24 October 2011

Welcome to 71 on Honey

Hi Everyone

Welcome to my blog, 71 on Honey. This is a huge step for me, I'm not known to my friends as a big 'sharer'... Really, I believe unless its absolutely necessary that you know something about me - then you shouldn't know. I guess this is my little way of challenging myself and that sometimes very bad habit.

I hope to share my life's experiences with you. (Yes, I'm writing this intending for someone to read this. It would be 'special' of me to write to myself). These are main things I'll focus on though:

1. My travels

Travels past and to come. I love people, culture and find human beings and the way they interact with each other quite fascinating. I got bitten by the 'travel bug' a few years back when my company afforded me the opportunity to work in the Channel Islands for 7 months. After that, almost every vacation time I find has a holiday pencilled in. It got so bad that I have to be creative with how often or long I visit my mother who lives 9 hours drive away from me.

2. Fashion and all things girly

Ok, I'm a girl. I love handbags, shoes, WATCHES... I love watches, i love decorating my apartment and dresses too.

3. Food

6 months ago, I decided to be a vegetarian. After watching a health documentary I decided maybe I should try this vegetarianism thing out. Now as a person who has eaten meat all her life, I was left in a tight spot. All the food I've cooked before has been centered around meat as the source protein. So I'm on a mission to discover new ways of cooking, new restuarants to try out (its very difficult to find an authentic vegetarian dish in mainstream Jo'burg restaurants).

4. Thoughts in my head

I constantly have something on my mind... I might share a thought or two - based on what I see around me. Politics, finance anything really.

As I start on this journey I hope that firstly, I can keep it up and secondly that you will be inspired. Not that I think I have an inspirational life, I just believe that life has a way of teaching you through the most unexpected means. From a street hawker to a CEO of a huge company there is a piece of everyone that you can use to change your own life for the better.

Enjoy this journey with me..

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